Monday, January 16, 2012

January Randoms

Hello Lovelies!

I hope you're all having a good start to your week.
I am...I started it with an extra day to my weekend. Yay!

I got another new phone. I had the Samsung Doubletime and it was soooooo slllllooooooowww. Terrible.  I got the Atrix far, so good. My husband has it and loves it, so hopefully I will too.
I'm enjoying some box wine. Don't judge. I won it as a white elephant gift at Christmas...awesomesauce.
 Boxed wine White Zin.
We also made some delicious soup...chicken the crock pot. It's not too bad for you either!

I also painted my nails...foxy by China Glaze...I'm in love with reds right now!

Sorry about the janky, dried out skin! I need to use more lotion! (And seriously crappy paint job...)

I'm so shocked I can add pictures, I'm not even sure what to do with myself! :)

I've been trying so hard to work out...I did four days last week, and already started out this week with two workouts! :)  Let's hope I can keep it up. I did really well up until play week in November...I had lost close to 10 lbs...and then blew it.
Well, I hope you all have a great week!

<3 Gretchen

Sunday, January 8, 2012

bobbing for baubles

Hey Ladies!

How are you?

This is going to be in typical list fashion.

  • I painted my nails with Essie's bobbing for was a Christmas gift, and it's lovely!
  • I'm also enjoying another Christmas gift...Riesling...from a bottle shaped like a cat! Adorable.  And tasty.
  • I got a new cell phone and new service! We switched to AT&T. I got the Samsung Double Time.  So far, I like it (aside from the fact that I've hung up on my mom TWICE with my FACE). Touch screens take a bit of getting used to, I think. (my e-mailed pictures don't send too well, hence the lack of pictures...again! Sorry!)
  • I get to pick out costumes for The Wizard of Oz this week!  So fun!
  • I also get to go to the doctor tomorrow...not so fun. 
  • I have a mild addiction to Words with Friends.
  • Our Christmas decorations are still up. It may stay this way for a while.
  • We made meatloaf was delicious! We also planned the whole week's menu...that's pretty rare in this house! 
  • I LOVE my Gilly Hicks PJ pants. They are SOOOOO comfortable. If I could lift my self-imposed clothing shopping ban, I'd buy another pair!
  • I did Jillian Michael's Shred It with Weights yesterday...and now I can barely walk. No joke. I can't imagine how much my legs will hurt tomorrow if I can hardly sit down today! :)  I'm sure it's all worth it...right?  The people who say the video doesn't even make them break a sweat have GOT to be kidding.  I just have to power through. I only did 20 minutes on my elliptical today. OUCH.
Well, lovelies, have a fabulous week!

<3 Gretchen

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Resolutions :)

Happy New Year!

I know that resolutions are cliche, but I'm going to make them anyway. :)

1. Eat healthier/get into shape.
 I know this is a typical resolution, but it needs to happen.

2. Get organized.
At home, at work, my brain...I think things would go more smoothly if I could just get it together.

3. Worry less/Realize that I can only control myself/laugh more/have more fun (Serenity now!).
I am a HUGE worry wart. I am a worst-case-scenario kind of person. I guess I'm always prepared, but it's kind of a downer.

4. Take more pictures.
I have NO pictures of ANY holiday festivities! That's no good.

5. Blog more regularly.  (I guess I should add to that: Have more interesting/funny things to say ;). 

To me, these are all logical and things I should be doing anyway!

What are your resolutions? :)

<3  Gretchen